26 Jul About Britta
About Britta
Hi there! Passionate knitters among you may know me as “Britta the Knitta”, founder of www.soul-wool.com.
We have now handed over our company to the next generation and I have time to devote myself to my new passion, the region around Lake Maggiore.
I live with Carsten (perfect husband) and Colja (big black dog) alternately in Mecklenburg and Italy, depending on the temperature.
Our little house is in the mountains, a little above my index finger.
Two years ago, we fell in love with a house in the mountains above Lake Maggiore and bought it.
Completely naïve and a bit naive.
The purchase and renovation of the house, as well as the search for everything we need in everyday life – from tick tweezers to a tiled stove – had many surprises in store for us.
Where we had expected major obstacles, many things went surprisingly smoothly.
On the other hand, we ran into stumbling blocks and walls in other places that we would not have been able to overcome without the help of the lovely local people.
Initially, with no knowledge of Italian at all, we threw ourselves in at the deep end and learned to swim.
We can now make ourselves understood in Italian at seahorse level and important vocabulary such as cost estimate, spirit level and withoutthatcan’tbetrue are easy to say.
In the meantime, we can shop, feast, talk to craftsmen and enjoy everyday life in a place where hardly any tourists get lost.
With this website, I would like to take you on a journey of discovery and give you a look behind the scenes – without any claim to completeness, but carefully researched and without any commercial interest.
And of course I am writing my very subjective opinion here.
And if you don’t want to miss a single blog post, please subscribe to my newsletter!
Let’s go: Discover Lage Maggiore!
Your Britta
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