Lampengeschäft und Lichtkonzepte in Laveno Mombello

Ja, Lampen gibt es dort auch

Lampengeschäft am Lago Maggiore : ILLA Lichtdesign

Wenn ich Licht brauche, kaufe ich eine Lampe. Wenn ich ganz verwegen bin, mal nicht in dem großen dänischen Möbelhaus oder beim Baumarkt nebenan, sondern in einem richtigen Lampengeschäft. Ja, wir mögen Kunst und die vorhandenen Bilder sollten auch wirkungsvoll angestrahlt werden. Und ja, in der Küche möchte ich RICHTIG GUT gucken können. Aber kann ja nicht so schwer sein… Und muss auch nicht unbedingt wahnsinnig teuer sein.

Und dann fanden wir zufällig ILLA  in Laveno Mombello, als wir gerade auf der Suche nach Beleuchtungsideen für unser fast fertig renoviertes Haus waren. Das war UNSER Lampengeschäft am Lago Maggiore!

Ja, Lampen gibt es dort auch

Es war Sonntagabend nach dem Restaurantbesuch als wir an dem kleinen Lampengeschäft vorbeispiazierten. Erstaunlicherweise waren die Rollläden noch nicht herabgelassen und in einer Ecke am Schreibtisch saß ein unheimlich freundlich aussehender junger Mann, der uns jede Hemmschwelle nahm, dieses ungewöhnliche Geschäft zu betreten. Da stand etwas von „Lichtkonzepten“ und „Beleuchtungsberatung“. Huiii. Klingt teuer und kompliziert…. Wir tasteten uns langsam vor und fragten so dies und das und plötzlich hatten wir eine Verabredung mit Roberto Rodriguez, dem chilenisch-italienischen Eigentümer, damit er sich unsere Anforderungen vor Ort in unserem Häuschen anschauen kann. Roberto hat einen Master-Abschluss in Lichtdesign am Polytechnikum in Mailand erworben und normalerweise beleuchtet er Events, Museen und Galerien, aber eben auch Privathäuser. Und er erledigt auch Kleinprojekte wie unseres mit Liebe, Ideen, Engagement und Zuverlässigkeit und zu fairen Tarifen.. 

Interview mit Illa-Eigentümer Roberto Rodriguez

Wie kommt man darauf, Lichtdesigner zu werden?

„During my third year of architecture at the university in Santiago, Chile, I had the opportunity to participate in a lighting course with the renowned lighting designer Paulina Villalobos. This course opened my mind to a completely unknown world and fascinated me with its specific concepts about lighting. We conducted experiments to understand what light is, how to work with it, and its importance for humans, flora, and fauna. Although the course lasted almost four months, we did not reach the stage of applied projects in architecture. I remember that for the final project, we had the option of creating a simple lighting installation or writing a short thesis on a lighting topic that interested us. I chose the latter and conducted an in-depth analysis of how shop windows in design stores, jewelry shops, and fashion boutiques were lit to understand the techniques that captivate customers, evaluating the pros and cons of the analyzed cases. The professor was amazed by my analysis, and I received the highest gradeLampengeschäft am Lago Maggiore.

Wie ein Erdbeben Roberto nach Mailand brachte

After that, I continued my architecture career, graduated, and started working as an architect in Santiago, Chile. However, I found the jobs monotonous and poorly paid until the earthquake on February 27, 2010, at 3:34 am, with a magnitude of 8.8 on the Richter scale, occurred. Fortunately, this event did not bring any negative consequences for my family or loved ones, but it awakened in me the desire to do something more meaningful with my life, something that truly passionate me.

I began searching for new jobs and training courses in Chile until I found the master’s degree in lighting design at the Politecnico di Milano. At first, I thought it would be almost impossible to be accepted, but I decided to apply anyway. I submitted all the required documents, completed the online interviews, and after a few weeks, I received a positive response. I remember jumping out of bed with joy and running to wake my mother to give her the good news. At that moment, I knew that this was what I truly wanted to do

My most emblematic projects

Lighting of the Casa Viejo by architect Mathias Klotz

This project presented a great challenge: to highlight the minimalist architecture of Mathias Klotz, the materiality, and the spaces. We recreated the effects of natural daylight through round skylights in the house’s ceiling, adding extra value with a beautiful garden, paths that traversed its various corners, and highlighting the majestic millenary Araucaria tree.

Peruzzi Urban Residences in the center of Florence

This project was particularly interesting as it was the first one I carried out remotely. I never visited the site, which is quite common in my field. I reconstructed several parts of the historic building using 3D modeling programs to visualize the lighting effects proposed by the architect. It took us several months to decide on the best lighting solutions until the owners approved them. I remember feeling great satisfaction when one of the partners told me that everyone was very happy with the project’s lighting, especially considering the limited budget we had, which is also very common in my field.

La DoubleJ – Fashion Boutique

This project was carried out during the pandemic, making it a real challenge. The main objective was to highlight the colors and patterns of the collections with lighting that could blend in and be minimalist; that is, the light source should be barely visible, but its effect fully appreciated. The boutique’s lighting had to enhance the display of the products and their characteristics. From concept to execution, we studied each aspect, developing and perfecting it to achieve an elegant, exciting, and sober solution. The collections displayed in the boutique are characterized by vibrant colors and striking patterns, all within an environment decorated with vibrant wallpapers and green surfaces that tend to absorb light. The project’s focus was based on precise and hidden lighting, yet powerful enough to restore the exact color and tone of the elements within the boutique. Consequently, we used spotlights with a color rendering index (CRI) above 95, the best available on the market.“

Jeder Raum hat seine eigene Persönlichkeit. Beleuchtung schafft Neues

Und falls ihr ein farbiges Kabel für die Lieblings-Hängelampe braucht: Roberto hat da eine größere Auswahl!

Illa Group, Via Roma 4, 21014 Laveno Mombello



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